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Each year the Monthly League will commence in October and run for five consecutive months until the following February.

The league finals will take place in March.
The closing date for entries will be the first Tuesday of every month (October to February), unless otherwise advertised by the Council - but see Club announcements for up-to-date news.

Each member may enter a maximum of two prints and two digital images per month. These can be both Colour, both Mono or one of each. There will be two different judges who will judge and comment on the entries. The Digital Images will be judged on one evening with the Prints judged on a different evening.  Send your images to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Prints and digital projected images, which in the opinion of the Competition Secretary are very similar to entries shown in a previous Winter League, or in an earlier month of the ongoing competition, will not be eligible.

All digital entries entered in competition should be submitted as JPEG files between 1MB and 3MB to ensure high quality. Cropping an image to 10" (3000 pixels) on the long side and saving as jpeg quality 8 will provide an image approximately 1.2MB. Further information on sizing images is available here. Particular care should be given to the naming convention – see the Full Competition Rules here.

Marks, up to a maximum of 50, will be awarded to each print and digital projected image by the judge on the night. All entrants will be ranked according to their best-of-two entry. The highest ranked entrant will then be awarded 20 points, the second 19 points, etc. Equal ranked marks will be awarded points equally. The minimum points awarded will be 10. The resulting points each month will be carried forward. At the end of the league, the lowest monthly score for each entrant will be discounted and the remaining four scores will be added up to the total aggregate points. The entrant, in each section and grade, with the highest aggregate points will be declared the winner.

Each month the top 20% of highest marks for each section and grade are retained for the finals. A minimum of three entries will be retained each month from each section and grade.

At the end of the five months, all the retained prints and digital files will be judged and awards will be presented.